Terms and Conditions


  • Refunds are possible if you receive a wrong or defected product.
  • If you received a defected or wrong product or have any kind of issue with the product, please Contact Us as soon as possible.
  • Please make a video of unboxing the product Order ID should be visible as a proof that you received a defected or wrong product.
  • In case you received a defected or wrong product, the amount will be refunded to you within 7 working days.


  • Cancellation is possible till after 10 hours of order placement or before the package has left the facility
    Eg: If you placed order at 9 a.m then you can cancel the order before 7 p.m given that the product has not been shipped from our facility before that.
  • Cancellation can be requested by mailing us at admin@thecassava.co
  • Please note:

    1. Subject should be "Order Cancellation".
    2. Message should contain Order ID
    3. Reason for cancellation

Address Change

  • Address can not be changed after 2 hours of order placement.
  • If you want to change the delivery address of an already placed order (within 2 hours), please mail us at admin@thecassava.co in following format
    1. Suject should be "Change Delivery Address"
    2. Message should contain Order ID:
    3. Message should contain New Complete Address (House Number/ Flat Number/ Office Name, Building Name, Sector, City, State, Near by location and Pincode)